Level 2 - Go Getter
Hi Paula, the coaches I make take at least 50 hours and start with sanding the outside of the ostrich egg shell,, which takes about 2 hours with an electric sander, no less!, and the window and door openings are cut in with a dental drill. All the seats are padded and upholstered with satin brocade and trimmed with an appropriate braid. The inside is painted and the ceiling has a padded, tufted fabric. Once the seats are in a fox or mink “rug” is added. Outside, the chassis is designed by me and assembled at a local welding business. No two are ever alike, and I use antique broaches for the door decoration, hgh grade cz stone chain is used in various sizes, a small crown for the top, and 22K gold embellishments around the windows. It has a seat for the ooachman and a “boot” or trunk covered with leather and lined inside that opens is on the back. I always try to put in a piece inside that relates to the kind of coach it is. The one I showed you has half a dozen pink fimo roses I make tied with a ribbon for the lady, and a minature saber for the gentleman or personal guard. These sell for $3000+, but the jewelry boxes and music boxes and just simple ones for about $400. I use ostrich, emu, rhea, swan, duck, cockatiel and other small eggs. Thanks for asking!
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