Step 1: Creating the Bookmark
1: In order to be able to start our Design, we are going to access our Design Space application and in there we are going to click on the + New Project Green button located on the top Right corner of our screen.
2: After we clicked in there, we are going to be able to access our Blank Canvas, in where we are going to start creating our Design:
3: We are going to start by creating our first design, by using the shapes functionality located on the left vertical menu bar, and we are going to choose a Rectangle:
After you add it to your canvas you should have something like:
4: We are going to proceed now by resizing our rectangle, in order to do that we are going to use the Size functionality located on the top menu bar, and in there we are going to add the following measurements: W: 1.2” and H: 4.25”.
💡Tip: You can add the measurements that you like, OR you can resize any of the elements by clicking on it, and then overlapping the mouse in one of the little squares showing on the corners and click and move the mouse in order to decrease or increase the size of your element.
If you want the W and H not to be tight together, click on the lock that is showing, so you can add the different dimensions separately.
💡Tip 2 : Some other bookmark sizes include:
- Standard: 2 in wide x 7 in tall
- Small: 1.5 in wide x 5 in tall
- Large: 2.5 in wide x 9 in tall
- Popular: 2 in wide x 6 in long or 2 in wide x 8 in long
5: Once we have our rectangle resized, we are going to change the color of our rectangle, just to see how the design is looking while we are creating it.In our case we are going to choose an orange color by clicking on the gray square that is showing under the operations functionality on the top menu bar:
6: Using the shapes functionalities again, we are going to add a circle and we are going to resize it (using the same process as before) to: W: 0.29” and H: 0.29”
7: We are going to overlap the circle over our rectangle on the top and using the Align functionality we are going to center horizontally.
💡Tip: You Need to make sure that there is a reasonable space between the circle and the top part of the rectangle, since in there we are going to add our ribbon.
8: Now, we are going to select the 2 elements (circle and rectangle) and we are going to slice them, by using the slice functionality that is located on the right bottom menu:
9: After the slice, if you move the rectangle on a side, you are going to be able to see the following:
10: We are going to eliminate the 2 circles since we are not going to need them anymore. After delete them, you are going to have:
💡Tip: In order to eliminate the elements that you are not going to use, you select the element and using your keyboard you press the Delete key.
11: We are going to add a Name or phrase into our bookmark: CRAFTY (in our case), by using the Text functionality located in the left vertical menu bar,
12: We are going to change the font for: High Tide, in order to do that we are going to select our text and locate the Font functionality in the top bar menu and in there we are going to search for Cricut and select the font mentioned above.
13: We are going to rotate our rectangle by using the rotate functionality located on the top bar menu, and in there we are going to add 270.
14: We are going to place our text over our rectangle, and using the Font size functionality located on the top bar menu, we are going to resize it accordingly:
In our case we end with a Font Size of 115.
15: Now, using the Align functionality we are going to use the Center Vertically functionality
💡Tip: You can also use the Center alignment based on your preference.
💡Tip 2: Every time that you are going to slice or align 2 or more elements, you need to make sure that you select all the elements before applying the functionality.
16: Now, we are going to slice the 2 elements, by using the slice functionality that we used before:
💡Tip: You can also cut the text alone and the bookmark alone and then just glue the letters over the bookmark instead of adding a different color on the back side.
17: At this point, our bookmark is DONE.
💡Tip: If you are ready to cut your bookmark, make sure to delete the 2 texts that were the result of the slice functionality, you should have only the bookmark on your canvas:
If you want to learn something else, we are going to show you two more options that you can do in order to have the same process 3 different bookmarks.
(OPTIONAL) Step 1.1: Adding a different color to the text
1.1: We are going to create another bookmark base, by following the steps 1 through 10. You should have:
1.2: We are going to Duplicate the bookmark (rectangle) that does not have the text on it, by clicking on the element, go to Edit functionality on the top bar menu and in there click on Duplicate
After you duplicate the element, you are going to have something like:
1.3: We are going to duplicate the one that says CRAFTY, with the same process as we used in the previous step.
💡Tip: On this new bookmark you can change the text if you want. Something like:
1.4: From one of the plain rectangles (without text), we are going to change the color to something that matches the Orange rectangle with the text, we are going to change the color as we did before, we are going to have something like:
1.5: This particular bookmark is going to be 2 colors, since we are going to later put the orange on top of the blue one, something similar to:
1.6: Now, to the other plain rectangle, we are going to also change the color and later we are going to glue in there some of the text that we are going to remove from the other bookmarks.
At this point you should have something like:
In this tutorial, you are going to learn/practice the following skills:
- Slice shapes
- Add Shapes
- Resize Elements
- Add Text and Change Fonts
- Delete Elements
- Change colors
- Rotate Shapes
- Duplicate elements
- Align elements