Lesson 3 of 4
In Progress

Step 3: Assembling Our Scrapbook

After all the parts are cut, we are going to start assembling our Pop-up Card.

We are going to start with the Base of our 

1-We are going to start with the Base of our card. So we are going to fold following the score line, our card base.

2- Then, we are going to proceed to glue the 2 interiors of our card:

3- Now, we are going to glue the 28 parts that are going to hold the pictures, in our case, we decided to use a base color (the 2” x 2” rectangle) and then 2 different interiors with some designs:

4- Now, we are going to move to the exterior part, we are going to grab one of the biggest rectangles (the one that has the same measurement as the interior ones) and we are going to glue it to the front of our card:

5- Now, we are going to grab the rectangle that is next, in our case we used a blue color and glue it over the one that we glued in STEP 4.

6- Now, we are going to glue the other rectangle, in our case we used the same design as the bigger one, but we changed the orientation of the lines:

7- We are going to grab our envelope /pocket and we are going to fold following the score lines:

8- We are going to glue the envelope / pocket to our front

9- The last step in order to finish our exterior, is fold the cardstock that we are going to use as our card by following the score line and then inserting it into the pocket:

With this, our exterior is DONE!

💡Tip: If you have stamps with sentiments or stickers, you can use them and add them inside the card, all the details brings more uniqueness to this amazing project!

Now, we are going to proceed with the most complicated part, the POP UP!, but do not worry… is not that difficult, the only thing that we recommend is that between each step, you always test that the system is working as expected, meaning that when you close the card and open it again it looks as expected!

10- We are going to grab our square (the one that has all the score lines!) and we are going to cut all the squares that are on the top and bottom corners:

You should have a PLUS sign as the final product, something like:

11- After that, we are going to fold following all the score lines:

12- Once that you did this, we are going to fully fold it and put it in the middle of the interior of the card:

💡 Tip: The 2 parts that are going to be glue to the card, are the ones that do not have any cut on it.

13- After we glue both sides (remember to close the card and open it to check that is looking nice!)

You should have something like:

14- Now, we are going to gran the 4 strips and place them and glue them as follow:

The two strips that are horizontally, are glued right after the cut:

The two strips that are Vertically, are glued in the part of the cardstock that we had the diagonal cut:

15- After they are glued, we are going to cross the 2 sides that have the cuts together:

When you close the card you should have something like:

This is the system that is going to display the pictures and IT’S DONE!!

Now that our system is done, we are going to start gluing the squares that later are going to have all the pictures!!

16- We are going to start gluing 2 squares into the union in the middle of our pop up system:

17- Then we are going to add 3 squares on each one of the sides of our card:

18- Now, we are going to start gluing the squares over our strips, we are going to add 2 squares on each vertical strip and 1 square on each horizontal strip:

💡 Tip: There is no need to add pictures in all the squares! You can add stickers, sentiments, or anything that you like!

And when you are finished with your last square you just need to add the pictures…… and… YOU ARE DONE!!!!  YOU DID IT!!!!!

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