Lesson 1 of 5
In Progress

Step 1: Create The Design

1: First we are going to install the font that we are going to use in our design. In order to do this, you need to download the font that we are providing. After that, follow the steps that are showing on your device in order to finish the installation. 

The font that we are going to use is called: Beautiful Dream

For MacOS, the steps to install the font are:

💡Tip: You need to make sure that Design Space is closed before installing the new font, if not you have to close it and open it again in order to see the font listed on your Fonts types in Design Space.

2: We are going to start by adding an oval using shapes functionalities located on the left side vertical menu

3: We are going to change the measurements of the oval to match our physical oval wood sign, in our case is: 14.5“ x 10.3“, in order to change that we are going to use the measurements functionalities that is located on the top horizontal bar, and make sure to click on the lock in order to adjust both measurements individually

4: We are going to change the color of our oval to a white color, to be able to distinguish our design. The square is only a placeholder to be able to determine the dimensions of our design, but is not going to be cut. In order to change the color, go to operations functionality in the top vertical bar, and click on the color squared (gray by default) in order to choose a different color.

5: After, that we are going to start adding the text related to our sign, in order to do this, we are going to use the Text functionality located in the left vertical menu:

6: After choosing it, we are going to write the following phrase: “Hello Spring”, but we are going to add our text in 2 different text operations, so we can accommodate them individually 

7: We are going to change the font by clicking on one of the texts, and clicking on Font in the top bar horizontal menu, in there you are going to select System tab and in there you can search by the name of the font that we installed previously.

After changing both texts, you should have something like this:

💡Tip: You can choose any font that you may like.

8: We are going to change the color of our font to a lilac color, by applying the same method as we did for the oval.

9: If you are using the font that we provided, you can notice that between each letter in the union, there is a line.

In order to remove this, we are going to click on the text, and going to the bottom right menu, we are going to click on Combine and then click on Weld.

After applying the Weld functionality:

10: We are going to place the both texts over the oval and accommodate them as we like.  

💡Tip: If the text is showing under the square, go to Arrange functionality, located on the top horizontal bar and click on: “Bring to Front”

11: After this, we are going to resize the texts as needed, based on the dimensions of our square. In order to do this, we are going to select the text and click on any of the small squares showing on the corners of the item that you select, and we are going to drag and drop until we have the measurement that we like

💡Tip: You can use this to change the orientation of the texts, to a more diagonal look if you like.

12: We are going to add a SVG branch that we are proving, and in order to add to our design, go to the left vertical Menu and in there click on Upload functionality.

Once in there, click on the upload image, (you need to previously download the SVG). Click here to download. After adding the SVG, you should see something like:

Choose it and then Add it to the canvas

13: We are going to change the color to a light green. 

14: We are going to duplicate this branch at least 3 more times. In order to do this, click on the image, and then go to Edit and in there select Duplicate.

💡Tip: You can also copy and paste the image by clicking on the image and then using your keyboard and do the combination of command/control + C and command/control + D

15: We are going to resize and place the branches over our oval shape something like:

16: Now, we are going to add a set of flowers that we are going to use, by uploading the Flower SVG that we are provided, and we are going to add it to our canvas the same way that we did with the branches.

17: From the group of flowers, we are going to use the following flowers:

💡Tip: You can use all of them, or different flowers, based on your taste.

18: In order to delete the flowers that we are not going to use, click on the set of flowers, and under layers right click over the selection and then click on UNGROUP

And now, you are able to hide, delete or accommodate each flower independently.

💡Tip: You can delete the flowers that you are not able to use by clicking on them and then using the delete key on your keyboard.

19: Keep in mind that very small pieces on the flowers are going to be hard to weld and that could not be as noticeable as we like, so all the flower centers that have small pieces, we are going to remove them or just hide them.

You should have something like this:

20: We are going to do the same as the previous step with the small leaves and after that, you should have something like:

21: For the flowers that have the center with different colors, we are going to select them, one by one, and using the slice  functionality, we are going to remove the center.

After the slice functionality, we are going to have something like:

22: For the flower that does not have a center, we are going to add a circle in the middle and use the slice functionality one more time in order to create the center.

23: We are going to start grabbing our flowers and start adding them into the oval. We can add them as many times as we want and resize them based on our taste. 

24: We are going to add a free flower from Design space to our canvas, by going to Images and in there search by: #M78666AF

After adding it to our canvas, we are going to resize it and place it over our oval.

25:  For the following flower that is from our group of flowers, we are going to notice that the center is different from the rest of the flower, so we are going to select the flower and using the Weld functionality, we are going to weld them together and later on place them on our oval shape.

26: From the flower group that we added (the ones that we remove some flowers) we are going to add it again, because in the scenario we are just going to grab some leaves to use on our design. 

You are going to click on one of the leaf elements, and with the duplicate functionality that we used before we are going to duplicate it.

After the duplicate, you should have something like this:

After the duplicate process, you can delete or hide the flower since we are not going to use it anymore.

💡Tip: If you have them hidden, the is not need to add them one more time.

27: You are going to select the leaf that we just “created” and with the measurements, you are going to resize it in order to have it a little bit bigger, in our scenario we are using: 

28: Now, using the Duplicate technique one more time, we are going to start duplicating the leaf and start adding them to our design as we like.

In our case, we used 12 leaves and we changed the color to match our branch light green color.

💡Tip: You can always cut some extra pieces that you can place later on the final design.

29: It’s time to save our project (If you did not save it yet!). Click on Save button on the Right top menu bar, add the name of your project and click on Green Save button.

30: It’s time to hide our oval, since it was only a placeholder to make sure that our design has the measurements and the shape of our physical sign.

We are going to select the oval, and we are going to click on the little eye icon that is showing in order to hide it.

After you click on the eye icon:

31:(OPTIONAL) If you want to print the design in the same exactly place that you place them and do not need to apply each element individually in your physical wood sign, you can select the elements that have the same color, and attach them all together, for example we selected all the flowers together, and we clicked on Attach functionality:

After we attached them: 

And on the Mat cutting process you are going to see like this the design:

💡Tip: In order to do this, make sure that you have the right mat size, since in this case the whole design is bigger than the normal mat that is 12” x 12”

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