We are going to apply some of the same concepts and functionalities that we used with our first design!
1: We are going to start our design by adding a Heart and we are going to add also the text: Valentines
2: We are going to change the Font to Aguellera:
3: Using the Images Functionality, we are going to search for a Free Banner
💡Tip: The ID of the banner that we are using is:
3: Using a rectangular shape, we are going to split the banner in half, by overlapping the rectangle over the banner and using the slice functionality the result should be something like:
We are going to delete the 2 parts as the slice result that we are not going to use.
4: We are going to change the color of our heart and Text to pink colors. And we are going to create a white offset over our Valentines Text. You should have something like:
💡Tip: You can resize bigger the design while you are working on it, and at the end of the design just reduce it to the desire sticker size.
5: We are going to rotate the 2 half of the banners and we are going to overlap them over our heart and we are going to change the color to a aqua / light blue color:
6: We are going to create an offset for the 2 half ribbons
💡Tip: Remember that every time that you create an offset you need to:
1- The original design needs to be Flatten or Print then cut functionality
2- Change the color to the desire offset color
3- Select the design and the offset and attach them
4- After the attachment, flatten them.
7: Using 2 small triangles shapes, we are going to change the color to the same aqua / light blue that we used with the ribbons and we are going to create the offset, we are going to add them near the ribbons, to generate perspective that the ribbon are rounding the heart:
8: We are going to add the following 2 words: Happy and Day and we are going to change the font for the System forn: Arial Black
9: We are going to add the Happy word on the top ribbon and day on the bottom ribbon and we are going to change the color to white:
10: We are going to add 4 hearts and we are going to resize them small and change the color to white:
11: Before doing the final offset for the whole design, we are going to make sure that each element is Print and Cut functionality, if not we are going to change to that. And after that we are going to attach all the elements together and we are going to flatten:
12: Now we are going to create the offset for the whole design, by following the process that we did before:
💡Tip: Remember that every time that you create an offset you have to check the result and check if there is any blank space that you want to hide or to keep before attaching and flatten it to the design.
12: Lastly, we check the final measurement, and we are DONE!!! Great JOB!